Author Archives: Nefyoni


Trident? Trident.

Update: Congrats to CritterMunch & TrulyAnnoying! I’ve left them for you in Gamma.
7:37 PM: I just got another trident and rolled so congrats TheFrostyKitty!

Hey, so it’s getting close to Thanksgiving in the US and what better way to celebrate than by giving someone a trident I found? All you have to do is reply to this post saying you want it and on the 21st I’ll randomly pick someone. And to be extra nice, I already put mending on it. Continue reading



Newest Update: Both remaining treasure boxes have been claimed by Gothem8!

Hey everyone! (2018/11/9- Update: Diamond Treasure was found by commandhelper! Yay nessie! Then Commandhelper hid the Diamond Treasure next to theĀ Lesser Emerald Treasure in Final City aka Delta Spawn, good luck!)
So, I did a thing.
I made a treasure box and stuffed it with diamonds. As you can see here:

And I have hidden it in the Outworld!
Update: I also hid an emerald treasure chest in the outworld nether. There’s a hint there for that one.
Emerald Chest found by barry_hhh
Update 2018/11/9
: I made a lesser Emerald Treasure Chest as seen in the picture below and I have hidden it in Final City, in an item frame. Good luck!



Okay, PseudoKnight updated the server to 1.13.1!
He wanted to wait to be sure that everything was stable enough before announcing it too loudly, but survival seems to be pretty solid!
He has done much work in Frog Park, but most things work there too.
He added a completely random outworld with an expanding world border. We lucked out and landed on a beach! But watch out for phantoms. Just getting into a bed is enough to reset your rest timer.


It was an enormous amount of work for everyone to get to this point. It was only this week that a few bugs and performance issues I was experiencing were resolved. There are still other bugs, but he felt like it was finally time to make the jump. But thankfully this is a one time deal. Future updates should be much smoother again.





10/1/14 Update: If you would like to be a guest, just let me know I’d love to have you on!

Hi Everybody!

So I recently recorded an episode for my podcast with ScottyD & PseudoKnight and we did an extended version of it where we specifically talk about finalscoremc. In this we speculate and talk about Microsoft buying Mojang. If you would like to listen we ramble around for about 30 minutes and it is posted below. Continue reading