It’s spooky season!
And this volcano has made an appearance in FrogPark.

It’s spooky season!
And this volcano has made an appearance in FrogPark.
We are celebrating this year’s anniversary with the brand new survival world, Psi! (Ψ)
The world is concentrated on a large lukewarm ocean at /spawn and will look hopefully look nicer than what is pictured, eventually. Biomes in Psi include ice spikes, mushroom island, frozen ocean, mega taiga, shattered savannah, and more.
Its noteworthy to not build anything permanent in the Psi nether at this time. When 1.16 rolls around and Minecraft drastically updates the underworld, the plan is to reset Psi’s nether to incorporate all of the new features.
Happy swimming.
Update: Congrats to CritterMunch & TrulyAnnoying! I’ve left them for you in Gamma.
7:37 PM: I just got another trident and rolled so congrats TheFrostyKitty!
Hey, so it’s getting close to Thanksgiving in the US and what better way to celebrate than by giving someone a trident I found? All you have to do is reply to this post saying you want it and on the 21st I’ll randomly pick someone. And to be extra nice, I already put mending on it. Continue reading
Newest Update: Both remaining treasure boxes have been claimed by Gothem8!
Hey everyone! (2018/11/9- Update: Diamond Treasure was found by commandhelper! Yay nessie! Then Commandhelper hid the Diamond Treasure next to the Lesser Emerald Treasure in Final City aka Delta Spawn, good luck!)
So, I did a thing.
I made a treasure box and stuffed it with diamonds. As you can see here:
And I have hidden it in the Outworld!
Update: I also hid an emerald treasure chest in the outworld nether. There’s a hint there for that one.Emerald Chest found by barry_hhh
Update 2018/11/9: I made a lesser Emerald Treasure Chest as seen in the picture below and I have hidden it in Final City, in an item frame. Good luck!
On Wednesday, February 8th, we’re going to celebrate our 6th year! Come hang out and maybe play some games with us. We have a Discord server for the event, if you want to voice chat with us. Some may be on mumble, though.
This update wasn’t quite as easy as 1.10, but at least it was easier than 1.9. Still, the entity changes and shulker box support took a lot of time to work out. Fortunately, since the Spigot team was ahead of schedule on the initial release, I was able to test earlier than planned. This means we managed to obtain the Nov 21st release date that I thought only had a small chance of happening. (and at 1AM PST, no less)
So you probably should know a few things.
The outworld is planned next, but that’ll take another day. This is where you’ll get most of your shulker shells, though some people have spawn eggs for them. Unfortunately, I can’t emphasize the Woodland Mansion on this server. I’ll do my best, but it takes a lot of resources for a one-off event with very little reward. I’ll be looking at ways to integrate the new mobs elsewhere to offset this. Llamas are going to be more available in the outworld too, but they can still spawn in other worlds if the animal cap hasn’t been reached.
There’s also a few low priority issues (eg. cross-world horse teleports don’t work… again) but things should be stable. If you do run into a new problem, please report it to me on the server or on Trello. I’m keeping a list on the Minecraft 1.11 card if you want to keep track of what I’m doing next.
Mob Limits
With the introduction of maxEntityCramming, I’ve removed one of my own grinder limits and replaced it with this new functionality. I’ve set the value to 140 (default: 24), which matches the weighted iron pressure plate. This is still up for discussion, but it shouldn’t affect current machines at 140. (my previous limit was around 150)
If you have any questions, you can use the below comments to ask them, or see me in-game. View the full list of changes on the Minecraft Wiki. Don’t forget Optifine 1.11 (Preview)! Have fun!
It is expected that Mojang will release Minecraft 1.11 on the 14th. The Spigot team expects to be able to put out a first release on the 19th or 20th. Assuming all goes according to schedule, and the necessary plugins update within a day, this means we should not expect to update to 1.11 until at LEAST the 21st. Now, predicting something like this is not something that works practically, and you should never expect it of anyone, but I’m going to try anyway. Given unpredictable factors and the close proximity to Thanksgiving, I expect us to be on 1.11 somewhere between the 26th and 30th. I dare not update a day (or two) before Thanksgiving due to availability during a very server unstable period. I usually relax the day after, often with family. This is a longer turnaround than the last two updates, but I take what I’m given. That said, there remains a small chance for us to update on the 21st, if everything goes incredibly smoothly or ahead of schedule (and the API changes aren’t too drastic). Cross your fingers.