Village on Alpha

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  • #2893
    Brick Jim

    Hello all,

    First off, Thank You For having an awesome sever!  My friend and I have had a wonderful time here and everyone has been very cool.

    I’m currently trying to build a village on alpha and ran into a problem when i was informed there are no villagers on Alpha what so ever. I was hoping to ask the community for possible solutions or, if they feel generous, help. I’m aware of the zombie-villager to villager method but currently not equipped with a alchemy lab to make the required potions.

    I suppose the bigger question is do villages even work on alpha? If i were able to cure two villagers would they function and create more (I.E. a butcher, priest, blacksmith, etc.)? And if none of that works can some be generated at the administrator level?

    So, lots of questions to answer. Any information would be welcome and appreciated. If anyone cares to see/help you can find my village project at coordinates 238,3060 on Alpha.





    If you remind me when we’re next on at the same time I’ll happily brew you some potions and I’m fairly sure I have the gold to make 3 golden apples 🙂


    Yes, villagers will work normally in Alpha if you give them the right conditions to spawn more.


    I, myself, have revived 2 zom-villagers in alpha. Building a village for them to propagate in is on my list of things to do.

    Brick Jim

    Holy crap,  thanks everyone for the tips.  But special thanks goes to the gracious benefactor who dropped two villager eggs on me whilst i was AFK. I heard the sound of someone telaporting away and found the solution in my inventory. At the time i thought it may have been Nefyoni, but someone else was asking about how the eggs worked out later ( i really should have written the name down). So not sure who deserves the credit but super-mega-rocket-powerd thanks to that person. We have brought a thriving village to alpha.


    It was asdialed.


    Funny, if you ask her I doubt she’d remember.

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