Reply To: Our Giant List of Things

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– Updated to 1.4.7 along with several plugins.
— I was forced to switch from RecipeManager to CookBook. While CookBook isn’t quite as feature rich, we still have all the recipes we had previously and without the issue the prompted me to originally switch from CookBook to RecipeManager.
— There’s a fix in WorldGuard for item frames being knocked down by arrows.
— Removed iChat due to CommandHelper fix that I was waiting for. It allows me to format chat myself! This could open up possibilities to add icons/colors for mini-games or other things. We could even make donors have an icon instead of a color due to overlap with other groups. Yes, we should be able to have people in two groups now and I can control which color they get.
— We can now add display names and lore to items with CommandHelper. eg. shotgun can be named “Shotgun”.

– Created a new supergate with Nef. Turns out my block update detector doesn’t work when the chunk unloads, so I had to build in a reset using the DHD button — it’s not just for show now!
– Imported the outworld I had worked on, and configured everything to work as desired. Created a Stargate at 0,0 so it’s easy to find.