Reply To: New Players & Old Players

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My name is Jeffrey. I was born and raised in Florida but currently stationed in Texas. I have been in the Army for 10 years and will probably end up retiring from it in one way or another. I have had a couple different jobs while in the service and feel very fortunate for the experience I have received. I started out as military police, but was bored and wanted a change. I than volunteered to be a Ranger as a medic and did that for 4 years. Next I was a flight medic on a Blackhawk and had a great time. I just recently got stationed in Texas doing a job I hate and I am trying to change to information systems.

I have been involved with the community for a couple years and listened to Scott and Randy for a long to time before that. I am a bit anti-social IRL and for some unknown reason its easier to deal with in games. I will usually be very talkative in game so if I ever need to shut up just let me know.

I started playing minecraft last month. I havent played WoW in a few months and got 4 characters to 50 in D3 and was just bored. I was looking for a new game to play and was not sure what I wanted to play. I tried the free version of MC for about 30 minutes and then got the full game and immediately asked to be put on the whitelist. The server is great and the people are awesome. I built an ugly sand bi-plane on delta thanks to Shankomatic and all the extra sandstone I had. Currently thinking about a Team crafting PVP mini game. I am always willing to help with any projects people have going and pressing random buttons of doom.