Category Archives: Events


Nerdtacular 2013

In less than 3 months Nerdtacular will be upon us. If you are planning on attending please let me know. I am compiling a list of all the minecrafters that are coming so we can have a little meetup. Last year we had a nice group and this year even more are coming. It should be a lot of fun. For those of you not going I will be posting pictures and videos during the event and after.


Building Contest

Update: Congratulations Frostwars! His angler fish will be making appearances in Frog Park Shortly. Runner up was TrulyAnnoying.

asdialed is hosting a building contest!

Update: You can get to the contest area using: /warp buildcontest
If you would like to enter you can leave a comment or contact Nefyoni / asdialed and we’ll set up a bowl for you to use for a day.

We need fish for our water in Frog Park.
So, in Dev we have some spots available for you if you wish to try your hand at making a fish design within the borders of the tank (it will make sense when you see it). Winner will get to see their fish design in the water in Frog Park and maybe some coins too!

Some rules:
You get a day after the lot is assigned to you to finish your fish.
You have to work alone.
Do not use lava.
Everyone who enters may get a raw fish.

Some notes:
asdialed can change rules at any time.
asdialed will be judge along with myself & froggerooh (experience with aquatic creatures)


Met Up

asdialed & I got to meet CoderJ & Melknee earlier today. We got to hang out and do stuff (games, movie & dinner) for a good chunk of the day. Also Ohio4h stopped by, just in time for a game of Munchkin.

From left to right: CoderJ, Melknee & Ohio4h

We had a good time, thanks for visiting, especially with that long drive. 🙂