
State of the Server – April

It’s Easter egg hunt time! The new outworld is an Easter event world filled with hostile Easter bunnies who drop spawn eggs. (read: Video Games) You’ll be able to get these spawn eggs for as long as this outworld is connected, which will be at least until the end of the month.


In other news, you can now /transfer ownership of dogs and cats, in addition to horses. (as requested by Draetak and TrulyAnnoying, respectively)

3 comments on “State of the Server – April

    1. PseudoKnight Post author

      I want to create eggs that are accessible, but also something that is challenging/interesting for veterans. The first year was all accessibility, finding eggs in grass. The second was split down the middle with creeper bunnies and zombies, which could despawn leaving eggs laying around. And this year I went with an interesting challenge.

  1. PseudoKnight Post author

    Currently generating a new outworld and will be disabling Easter bunnies altogether shortly. Goodbye sweet (evil) bunnies.

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