
Ways You Can Contribute

What’s your passion? If you’re interested in contributing to the server in more ways, below are just a few examples in which you can do that. If any of these pique your interest, get in contact with the appropriate staff. As always, jumping onto our Mumble server is a great way to get in contact and more involved in the events and decisions for the server.

Arena Building

Do you have a passion for game design or level design theory for PVP, mob-arenas or other mini-games? Maybe you have an eye for sprucing up plain but well-designed layouts without interfering with the gameplay? Maybe you just want to try. This will probably entail cooperation with other builders and coders.

Obstacle Courses

We have an array of obstacle courses, but I don’t think we’ve fully tapped the potential here. We could use some technical builders who can make something fun at its core while offering an interesting challenge. Aesthetic builders are also desirable here, to help the more technically inclined builders make things look good. We’re not necessarily looking for more of the same type of courses at this time. I’d like to see some different types (with good check-pointing and consideration for multiple players). Some more speed-running focused courses or clever puzzle courses could be nice, as some examples.

Website Content

We could use some writers, photographers, and videographers. I’d like there to be a steady pulse of content on the website, twitter, youtube and We could even use some more guides. I’ve been able to put out some decent content now and then, and I enjoy it, but I don’t have the time. We could also use a new or fleshed out website theme, if you feel inspired.

Event Organizer

I have a hard time organizing events, and thus far no one has consistently stepped up to the plate. You need to be able to work with people’s schedules, promote the event, and choose events that work with the context of how our server runs, a variable amount of players, and of course are fun. In my humble opinion this is the most demanding job. I’m not sure who would be excited about doing this again and again, but if you are, I’ll support you however I can.

Coding for Website or Server

If you’re a programmer and you have some solid ideas that you’d like to contribute to the website or Minecraft server, I’d love to work with you. On the website right now we’re just using a WordPress installation. On the Minecraft server I primarily focus on CommandHelper scripting. This allows me to prototype new features and easier, as well as fix bugs without restarting the server. Plugins are used when MethodScript is insufficient. If you feel comfortable with any of this, and are still interested in creating some mini-games or server features after looking at it, get in contact with me, PseudoKnight.

Custom Terrain Generation

I’ve been steadily working on a custom terrain config for TerrainControl for our outworld. If you are interested in creating new biomes and structures, I could use the help. You’ll need to be able to install your own server for testing, and then work with complex configuration files and specially formatted schematics, but it’s easier than programming.


Let’s not forget that it costs money to keep the server running every month. Scottyd covers the cost on those occasions when donations can’t. At one point, because the Frog Pants community is so generous, we had donations to cover several months. We are often fortunate enough not to have to push donations or have excessive perks like other servers. But I know now that Scotty could use your help again, if you have the cash to spare. It’s a $5 minimum donation and can be paid here. In September we doubled the coin bonus to 200 per dollar. If it’s not clear, coins can be used to redeem items in the coin shop. The items there are donated by the staff as a thank you to donors to the server costs.

7 comments on “Ways You Can Contribute

  1. PseudoKnight Post author

    I realize I didn’t talk too much about the process of getting involved, but I did try to note the importance of the communication side of it. You need to stay in contact for many of these, if you need the cooperation or assistance. The best way to do that is actually Mumble. While in-game chat is sufficient, Mumble makes cooperation smoother. Almost all Builders (Frog Park staff / game and decoration builders), for example, used Mumble before getting those permissions. They also contributed to the park before getting those permissions. So do NOT wait on us to get involved. You can do it right away. It’s up to you. Later we can give you more server access to make it a little easier if we feel your park builds would benefit from it. But right now anyone can assist in a current project in dev by being added to the region by the owner of said project.

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