Weclome to the forum! (Forum Info & Discussion)

Home Forums General Weclome to the forum! (Forum Info & Discussion)

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  • #1309

    We needed a more permanent and better home for discussions on a variety of topics that concern the present and future of the FinalScore Minecraft server. We’ve tried to keep forum activity over at the Myextralife.com forums until now, but there continues to be situations where an independently controlled forum dedicated to the Minecraft community would be extremely helpful. I’m tentatively using bbPress for the forums, since it integrates so nicely with WordPress, but if there’s enough demand for a more feature rich forum, we may switch. (phpBB being the obvious alternative) I’ll be adding plugins to flesh it out and styling it to look better, but it should be perfectly fine for practical discussions that we need right away.

    Please use your Minecraft username when you sign up! This makes communication easier as well as matching your avatar.

    If you have any specific desires for the forum, this thread would be a good place to discuss those.

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 10 months ago by PseudoKnight.
    • This topic was modified 12 years, 10 months ago by PseudoKnight.

    I feel like I’m getting closer and closer to a comfortable forum home with my style changes. 🙂


    Could you change my username to Ike2b?


    Thanks for the forum–it looks nice!


    One functionality thing I’ve noticed that I miss is highlighted threads for new posts. Hm.. Any other things you miss from other forums?


    Trolling, political debates, arguments, drama, and lolcat threads…

    ….. on second thought, nevermind.


    Really liking the forum, looks great! Can’t wait to get back to playing more and getting to know some people here, seems like a really good group.

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