Piston Elevator

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    Anyone have any experience with any piston elevator designs? Any one in particular that works better then another?

    Coder J

    PK and myself have played a lot with different elevators (piston, conveyor, etc); bottom line is they’re nice in SP, but usually buggy/slow/deadly in MP.

    Best one we built was the slab/fence gate one, but you have a tendency to fall through the slab and suffocate.


    Now that SSP is SMP, I’m sure it’s pretty glitchy in both. None of the designs I’ve seen have been reliable always. There’s quite a few designs, though. I like the caterpillar ones aesthetically, but the zipper ones go up much faster (though now way down fast except falling). The piston tape design Coder and I worked on was pretty cool in earlier versions of Minecraft, but I guess you fall through blocks way too easily in 1.2.5. It’s probably even worse in 1.3, if anything.

    Every once in a while I consider adding a lift plugin. With piston elevators being so glitchy, maybe it’d be a good idea. I just like to avoid physical plugins like that if I can, and keep them as intuitive and immersive if possible. Ladders are almost the same thing, too.

    Coder J

    If you have the space, it’s possible to make water flow up hill. Crazy but true….

    ws = water source, si = sign, hb = half-block (slab), __ = blank spot, ** = full block

    .. .. .. si ws __
    .. si ws __ hb **
    ws __ hb **

    That setup will have water go up 3 blocks; some work but kind of cool (playing with it as a boat return for a feature we’ve tossed around)

    (I’ll take a picture of this later; credit is not mine, saw someone else with this setup on custom and found it could go uphill.)

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Coder J.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Coder J.

    What?! Water go uphill? Did they turn the world upside down?!


    This sounds pretty cool! Is there a limit to how far the water can flow uphill?

    It’s like the St. Johns river, water flowing the wrong way.

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