Offline Auth

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    Theoretically this shouldn’t happen, but every month or so the login servers for Minecraft go down for a few hours. I’ve resisted putting up a backup auth method because they require extra setup for each user and I figured official auth would be improved as time went on. But… I guess not? Should we think about a backup authentication method? I’m trying to think of a way with no downsides.


    I’m not sure how the authentication method would in-tell. But if we can provide an alternate way to log into our server, it will be nice. But will that be all on the same server? or we need another server to handle all that?


    It would basically store our own personal set of username/passwords. The password could be an IP, I guess. It would be nice if I could use worldguard’s method of authentication, because then you could put the password in the url, but that would require manually adding each person myself. Instead, what most auth plugins do is they lock you in place or prevent you from otherwise doing anything on the server until you type in your password. I could store your last known IP address and when in offline mode I would check the IP for that account and kick if it doesn’t match. That wouldn’t solve it for everyone, but it would be a simple 90% stopgap that wouldn’t require anything complex. Not sure how easy IP spoofing is, if at all possible.

    Coder J

    I like the idea of having a back-up authentication system considering how often the MC system has gone down lately; is there a way for it to only kick in if it sees the login servers go down (like how yesterday they decided to return 503 for a few hours)?


    I’d have to restart the server into offline mode temporarily (no way that I know of to do this dynamically). So I could run a command in console to activate the auth system. Only way (that i know of) to do this automatically would be to run in offline mode all the time.


    Okay, I’m tired of being dependent on their broken login/session servers. I’m going to do the IP check for the next time this happens. Like I said, it should help most players get on the server. But it will need a period of proper authentication to retrieve everyone’s last known IP address.

    I’m thinking of recording the last known IP during a playerpreloginevent (which supposedly only runs in online mode). Then during a playerloginevent I’ll check if the current IP matches the logged IP. This means it’ll check what it just recorded when the server is in online mode, but if it’s in offline mode, it won’t be recording the IP, but it’ll still be checking if they match.


    So, the session servers went down again today. So I turned on my bypass! Then the first several players who tried to join ended up being people who hadn’t played for weeks, so they got denied. 🙁 lol

    It works though! Raishokun joined for exactly one minute before leaving. 🙁 hah


    Oh man, it feels good to have the server up and running while others are down. 5 players on — other servers on my list, 0.


    Session servers went kaput again. So that’s twice now it’s allowed us to continue to play while other servers on my list have been empty. 🙂

    [edit] Of course, it requires that you had at least joined the server once prior (in the past couple weeks this has been running) and are using the same IP address. Sorry, CoderJ. :p

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