Yesterday I spent my MC time coding a shop cache that stores a decent representation of the available shops on the server. This in turn allows us to search the cache by item (and buy/sell). To use this new feature, you’d type something like “/listshops buy stonebrick” and it’ll show you all the currently cached shops claiming to sell stonebrick — the price, the stock, owner, and location.
It’s possible to “de-sync” from the actual existing shops, especially if you encounter a bug that I haven’t squashed yet. So please report here any errors you encounter when clicking a sign, breaking a sign, or using the listshops/shop commands.
Planned Changes
- Possibly add region names to the shop locations.
Support listing shop stock (requires a new function in commandhelper that they plan)
Maybe support data values and block IDs (convert to item name?).
Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas on how to improve upon this feature.