Grand Central (Gates and Kiosks and Rail Lines)

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  • #1484
    Coder J

    Howdy all,

    Some of you have been asking to get something installed in Grand Central, however, due to my recent schedule changes I’ve been missing a lot of the people asking or just plain forgot before I get to the request. Currently, I am only installing gates into Grand Central; the market in FC has been expanded so there is plenty of shop space there (I may open two more kiosks in the future, though).

    As for the rail lines, they are a work in progress. All we really know for certain right now is one goes in each of the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west) with only two stops having been completed so far (North 1 and West 1).

    To request a gate install, please follow this format…
    (Your Network Name)
    (Destination, if you want a fixed point gate)
    (Any flags you would like)
    (Color you would prefer the wool to be)

    The following flags are available: (A)lways-On (Gate is always on to destination), (N)oNetwork (Gate network name is hidden, handy if you don’t want folks hooking into your gate network), (S)how (shows Always-On gates as a destination); Gates that go to Grand Central (GCentral on gate network) can not be hidden (so people can always get back) or private (if you don’t want others using your gate, it shouldn’t be in Grand Central), however, they can be bound to a single destination.

    If you want an always-on gate for a city project, please detail that in the request. The following have been requested/done…
    – Shankomatic (AYB) = Installed
    – Shankomatic (Atlantis / Always-On -or- Fixed… not sure) = Pending
    – Undercity / Always-On -or- Fixed…. not sure = Pending (I need to actually check with the UC guys to see if they want it)
    – JewManGroup (????) = I saw you ask for something, but it has slipped my mind

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 3 months ago by Coder J.
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