Reply To: PK's Giant List of Things

Home Forums General [outdated] Giant List of Things Reply To: PK's Giant List of Things


Nov 13th
– Finished up a good deal of Cluck. Chicken spawning, detection, killing — all works. Rounds work, and it scales up difficulty decently each round. It detects if player steps off pressure plates. It should support the two shooting ranges working simultaneously. Still more I need to do: rewards per round, fail/pass conditions for rounds and/or game, better messages and feedback, more play-testing.
– Added spleef session protection to my /safereload (the thing that saves conversation and tp request sessions) so that it won’t reload if there’s a match in progress. (and some other little things like this)

  • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by PseudoKnight.