Reply To: Piston Elevator

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Coder J

If you have the space, it’s possible to make water flow up hill. Crazy but true….

ws = water source, si = sign, hb = half-block (slab), __ = blank spot, ** = full block

.. .. .. si ws __
.. si ws __ hb **
ws __ hb **

That setup will have water go up 3 blocks; some work but kind of cool (playing with it as a boat return for a feature we’ve tossed around)

(I’ll take a picture of this later; credit is not mine, saw someone else with this setup on custom and found it could go uphill.)

  • This reply was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by Coder J.
  • This reply was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by Coder J.