Plugin Development

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  • #1326
    Coder J

    Just a real quick word on Plugin development and what they can and can’t do (at least, with Bukkit).

    First off, what plugins can’t do [Source: forums]. This obviously leaves quite a bit plugins can do, within reason. Just a quick clarification, though; while new entities/blocks can not be made, it is possible to ‘extend’ existing ones to react/act differently and seem new (maintain existing model/texture, but act different from other entities/blocks of that type).

    Now for some development resources….

    Bukkit Developer’s Wiki
    The ‘official’ wiki for Bukkit developers with some well written (if outdated) tutorials on setting up, developing, and publishing plugins.

    Bukkit API
    Javadocs of the Bukkit plugin API; automatically updated/changed as Bukkit is developed. A good reference however does not explain how some things interact

    CoderJ’s Bukkit Blog
    Not really a shameless plug, a blog I’ve made to try to keep as current as possible since many videos/tutorials are only valid up to Bukkit 1.0 or so (they either don’t cover the new Event system or use methods no longer available with Bukkit). Not much up there yet, but eventually I’ll have a “Hello World”, walk-through for making “EggDamage” and “CartDispense”, and some more.


    As I have no useful coding knowledge, I look forward to your blog updates to see if I can learn something!


    Your blog interests me.


    I am an avid java developer. I have a lot of experience with android development, and have written a handful of useful bukkit plugins, most of them weapons and fun ways to die that aren’t practical on servers like finalscore. If you guys every need a quick plugin written ad me to your list. I tend to have a lot of free time.

    Coder J

    Thanks for the feedback so far; I haven’t neglected it, just working 80+ hours at work the last two weeks (and unlike usual, haven’t been able to pop on for more than a few minutes here and there). Hopefully I can post videos soon of the current project, but anyway.

    I’ll update soon with setting up the test Bukkit server and actually doing the /helloworld plugin.


    Hello World the best program ever written.


    Why don’t you paste your dev blog type thingies here on this forum or something?

    Coder J

    Not posting in the forum because I have a little more control with using my site; found out the other day there is a 3 edit maximum on forum posts ;). Plus I can use my own syntax highlighter plugin and add some various dressings to the site.

    Besides, if we post code in these forums constantly we’ll start putting the normals to sleep. 😉

    On that note… Part 1 of /helloworld is up. I know I need to edit it (I originally wrote the series as a big long post, but it feels better to split it into a basic plugin shell then the actual command).


    Your blog is amazing, Coder J. Like, I tried yours and Bukkit’s and so far I’ve learned more from yours than Bukkit’s. ^.^ And incase you haven’t already noticed, I was the first one to comment on your blog;) Can’t wait for the rest of the series!!

    Coder J

    Part 2 is done finally! I should have part 3 done fairly soon as well.


    Awesome! I’ll be the first to get it done;)

    Coder J

    Part 3 is up. I think my style changed… let me know if for the better or worse.

    One more part and we can close the book on /helloworld finally…. move on to events and working with the actually environment of Minecraft.

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